
What are Collagen Supplements Really? How Can They Help My Skin Glow?

What are Collagen Supplements Really? How Can They Help My Skin Glow?

Boosting Skin Care Fast with Collagen Support

Collagen is a massively popular supplement today to help boost skin elasticity, amino acids support, bone mineral density, and more. It's a natural resource the body relies on in protein to keep your body feeling its best, looking its best, and producing at your best.

Now, although the body produces collagen naturally, there's often room for the body to be offered support and strong health benefits through the body's most abundant protein. While signs of aging can sprout up in all facets of your daily life, appearance-based changes can be categorized and prioritized through taking collagen supplements by three main categories:

Together, each of these needs to have healthy collagen production in order to function at a high level and last long. The benefits of collagen extend far beyond any protein powder or other fiber supporter you might get, and taking these supplements regularly could really step up your wellness game.

Collagen - Health Benefits of Nootropics - Supplements for Boosting Skin HealthΒ 

What Is Collagen?

Even though collagen supplements are a great place to get started with elevating your skincare routine, they go far beyond just getting that summer glow we're all aiming for. Low bone mineral density, vitamin C, and even some collagen forms at the surface of tooth cells. Beyond these core elements, collagen has an impact on:

Each of these plays a massive role in developing strong anti-aging beauty habits. Through oral supplementation of collagen, numerous collagen peptides-specific has beneficial effects that directly impact human skin physiology.

As your skin starts to break out and suffer from acne, for example, strong collagen levels complements by collagen-rich foods in a balanced diet can go a long way to making a structural shift in how you approach your skin care. The ability for these resources to be effectively distributed will largely depend on what types of collagen you're getting into your diet, as well as collagen peptides.Β 

What are Collagen Peptides?

Collagen peptides are tiny pieces of collagen that your body needs to be absorbed through a breaking-down process in order to increase skin production and cartilage. These tiny pieces have been largely linked to relievingΒ jointΒ pain and other similar ailments.

How Does Collagen Get Lost?

Even if you regularly eat collagen supplements or have added them in as some kind of tincture in your diet, chances are there are going to be limitations to production in your body through damage.

How Do I Know I Need It?

Just because you have healthy skin doesn't necessarily mean you don't need collagen supplements, and vice versa. For the most part, though, folks will just look for symptoms of healthy collagen levels and see how their skin compares. For example, if your skin has any of these symptoms, you may have low collagen levels overall:

  • Excess wrinkles

  • Sagging

  • Crepey

  • Loss of healthy glow

Again, these symptoms don't exactly identifyΒ an internally ineffective collagen structure. Instead, they might just be symptoms that you could use a little more production for support. Fortunately, there's a wide variety of collagen types that can get more precise in advanced skin care techniques.

Old Skin - Youthful Skin - Health Benefits of Good Habits - Collagen Supplements - Troomy Nootropics

How do you boost collagen production?

Collagen is naturally produced in the body, so of course there are ways to boost collagen production without drastically changing your lifestyle. Even just small changes inΒ the habits you avoid like stopping smoking or adjusting the amount of fats/calories in your diet can go a long way. To get more advanced results, some folks have looked to medical treatments, which can be great for exfoliating the skin and developing a strong baseline to build from.

If you do look to supplements, though, there are a handful of different types of collagen that can make a world of difference in getting the exact benefits you want.Β 

Main Types of Collagen

Type I: Ultra-common type of collagen that's naturally produced and found in the human body. At least 90% of collagen stores are in this category and are found in tendons, skin, bones, and ligaments throughout the body.

Type II:Β Found in poultry, protein-rich foods and marine foods like fish, type II collage is often found in cartilage for joint support.

Type III: This type is also particularly common in muscles, organs, and arteries. Essential for muscle building and maintaining healthy muscle composure.Β 

Type V: Found in the eyes, type V improves the ability of light to pass through the eye. Additionally, tissue in the placenta is another position for this type of collagen to be found.

Type X: This type of collagen impacts bone formation and is mainly found in joint cartilage areas. Could become more essential at older ages.

Now, each of these types can be targeted individually depending on the supplements you work into your diet. To get "the right stuff" in your daily routine, its vital thatΒ the topΒ benefits associated withΒ these collagen types are readily available for you to understand.

Β Collagen Benefits - Healthy Skin - Troomy Nootropics

Benefits of the Best Collagen Supplements

Wound Healing

Wound healing is a major support area that folks trying collagen supplements look to, especially in controlling the release of blood, inflammation surrounding injuries, restoring elasticity, and other factors of common injuries to the body and skin.

Building Muscle Mass

Muscle mass certainly doesn't grow overnight. Healthy foods might be a good first step, but supplements and good habits surrounding your diet can be a game changer once you get consistent with it. Adding in collagen is a logical step to naturally boost your workout performance results fast.

Skin Moisture and Skin Elasticity

When you're trying to improve skin hydration, there isn't necessarily some perfect remedy to give it that summer glow you might be looking for. However, supplying your body with the resources necessary to get a healthy summer glow is entirely possible with collagen support supplements. After just a couple months or even a few weeks of use, hydrating your skin will become second nature to add that glow we're all looking for.

Hair Care

Hydrating your hair goes a long way to getting that wave you're looking for without drying it out and having over-care from products deplete the strength of your hair. Everything from excessive sun exposure to little dietary changes can impact how hydrated skin and hair care impacts your wellness. Keep rich foods and plenty of water in your diet, as well as reducing your exposure to the sun if you're in a routinely high-UV area (mainly tropical settings).

Nail Growth

Collagen and keratin are at the root of your nail bed, which puts nail growthΒ at the center of decreasingΒ chipping or growing into weak, malleable formations on the finger. With regular supplements of collagen, you can keep this formation strong and healthy at a more regulated pace, and start developing a better quality of nail growth for future pedicures and self care.

FAQS Surrounding Collagen

What foods are high in collagen?

Is there a downside to using collagen?

For a handful of reasons, using collagen supplements can be detrimental to your overall health. Standard protein sources should still be observed in your diet to keep you on track for healthy exercise, cognition, and preventing significant ailments long term.

How should I pick a collagen supplement?

Picking the right supplement of any nutritional/habit-building components to your regular diet should match a few criteria well: quality, benefits, and taste. Each of these will strongly impact whether you stick with using a new supplement or quickly phasing it out of your routine.Β 

Fortunately, with how widely available collagen supplements are today, there's a strong group to choose from when you're searching for that perfect pairing.Β 

Collagen - Health Benefits of Nootropic Supplements - Troomy Nootropics

What's the Best Way to Try Collagen in Nootropics?


As a routine collagen supplement option, powders are pretty simple in terms of prep time and impact. Your skin health can be routinely supported in the protein shakes or green juice you already throw together by just tossing in a scoop or two of collagen powder.

Unfortunately, these supplements might take a little more prep time on your end. More prep time means longer mornings, tougher dieting schedules, meal prep, and other hassles you should haven't to deal with.


Tinctures are always a popular spot to start with any kind of new supplement. Support collagen production naturally is made simple with tinctures you can take on the go and pop in for that instant-action type of reaction that isn't as crazy as caffeine or anything, but is useful nonetheless.

Tinctures aren't for everyone, though. Sometimes they'll taste like medicine, or just not be everyone's favorite to try. Fortunately, there's a perfect middle ground for delivering a quick supplement that isn't messy, and actually tastes good too.


Overall, collagen gummies are the perfect supplement to try getting skin elasticity and hair care support quickly into your diet. Zero caffeine, zero prep time, and a whole bunch more benefits you can look forward to.

What Sets Collagen Gummies Apart?

Delicious Flavors

Flavor can make or break a supplement you're trying to work into your routine. If you're not looking forward to trying out your supplements, you're not going to get consistent with them. Luckily, gummies are the perfect middle ground to get delicious flavors and still add those impactful benefits.

Jampacked with Vitamins, Amino Acids

Now, for the gram count per gummy, the vitamins you're getting to power stronger connective tissues, decreased skin aging, bone health and other natural signs of aging, collagen gummies is the perfect place to get started. Vitamin C particularly is as strong or stronger than other supplements you might be using to support your joint pain and other ailments.

Quick Impact

While the average time frame to see results may be a few months, collagen gummies have been linked to seeing visual results within just a few weeks. Depending on the extract power of collagen fibers and grams of collagen on average per supplement, you have to be mindful of the expectations you have in your journey to improved health and wellness. Aging skin elasticity has room for major variation in impact from collagen supplements between animal skin and human skin. Luckily, human skin can have a particularly quick impact for boosted collagen support.

Two-Months Worth of Support Customized to Your Needs

We pack our Troomy bottles with 60 gummies to power up to two full months' worth of daily use. As you start up with collagen, the powerful health benefits linked in medicinal mushrooms tie in perfectly to offer a more complete routine.Β 

As you expand your palate and start to try new blends, you can customize your entire bundle around the routine you hold already to find your "True Me." Luckily, it's easier than ever to get started.Β 

Collagen Gummies - Health Benefits of Collagen Supplements - Troomy Nootropics

Get Collagen Support Today!

Overall, collagen support's made easier than ever with a wide variety of supplements at your disposal today. Whether you're looking to make your skin glow, nails grow more healthily, or find a new vibrance in your hair care, there's a bunch of different benefits you can target depending on the blend you go with.

If you want to start taking collagen daily, trying to add collagen powder or a tincture to your diet is a favorable next step. However, we think gummies are the perfect way to go.

Check out our Shine blend here at Troomy which combines impactful collagen servings with tremella mushrooms to create a complete, game-changing supplement for daily support.

Start with Troomy'sΒ ShineΒ and other mushroom-powered gummies to find your "True Me" today!

Alex Heining

About the Author

Alex Heining is a major supporter and activist of mushroom-powered wellness, and has been a leader on our Troomy Nootropics team since day one. As a graduate from the University of Oregon and marketer in the Los Angeles area, he constantly aims to increase activity and acquire more knowledge on ever-changing innovations in the fungi industry today.

Over our first year as a company, he’s combined his efforts with our top blending strategists to inform the Troomy community on developments in mushroom-powered wellness, while developing delicious, functionally-powerful gummies for daily use. Whether he’s in the weightroom, studying new extraction methods, or working on some new songs, he’ll always be ready to talk your ear off about different ways you can find your β€œTrue Me” with Troomy.


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