
7 Reasons Why Jiu-Jitsu Athletes Should Use Medicinal Mushrooms

Medicinal Mushrooms- Health Benefits of Mushroom Support for Jiu-Jitsu Athletes - Troomy Nootropics in Whittier, CA - Amy Campo World Champion Jiu-Jitsu Athlete competing in Gi

Get the Best Out of Yourself on the Mat with Mushroom-Powered Wellness

Jiu-jitsu is a demanding, intense, and zero-margin-for-error sport. You have to be on your "A" game at all times when it comes to getting the best of your opponent day in and day out. Whether you're preparing for a session in your home gym or on the road for a tournament, getting all the help you can get with natural support is crucial.

At Troomy, we offer medicinal mushroom support to elevate your daily preparation, recovery, and performance on the mat. These blends are entirely designed around a daily routine built for improving daily wellness naturally with organic ingredients, delicious flavors, and proven quality benefits.Β 

Today, we'll evaluate how medicinal mushrooms pair up with practicing jiu-jitsu, as well as the functional benefits that are offered with a handful of different mushrooms you might want to try.

Amy Campo - Troomy Nootropics - Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms - Jiu Jitsu

Amy Campo as a Leader in the Health and Wellness World

As our first athlete to join Team Troomy, Amy Campo has been dominating the world of jiu-jitsu over the past 18 months. Just this june, she became Medium-heavyweight world champion in the 2023 World Jiu-Jitsu Championship, and is internationally recognized as a dominant force in the sport.Β 

She never backs down from a challenge, brings outstanding energy and knowledge to every room she's in, gives 110% effort, and is effortlessly humble. After training with Eduardo Mori, a fourth-degree black belt in jiu-jitsu in his own right, she looks to dominate the sport for years to come.

Benefits of Using Medicinal Mushrooms to Elevate Your Game on the Mat

Medicinal mushrooms have become widely popular in the health and wellness community over the past couple of decades. However, they've actually been used in eastern Chinese medicine for the past several hundred years.Β 

Only recently have they made their way west to become components of our diets, fitness regimens, and more. Now with a bunch of different blends to try, getting nutritional support from medicinal mushrooms melded straight into your diet just got a whole lot easier. Being able to rely on a steady dose of vitamin B, selenium, potassium, and vitamin D in just one supplement gives you a streamlined way to get back out on the mat faster, stronger, and with a better mood.

Are Medicinal Mushrooms Safe?

Absolutely! Medicinal mushrooms have zero hallucinogenic properties and are accepted internationally as safe supplements to support better body and mental wellness.

Additionally, in a handfulΒ of supplement blends, there are almost zero additives to make medicinal mushrooms as seamless of an addition to your diet as possible. Low sugars, zero caffeine, andΒ organic ingredientsΒ are all benefits you can look forward to in supplements like Troomy's mushroom gummies.

Mood Boosting - Medicinal Mushrooms - Troomy Nootropics

7Β BenefitsΒ Linked to Medicinal Mushrooms for Jiu-Jitsu Athletes

7: Mood

Mood plays a role into how effective you can be in preparation and developing skill. When you feel like you're performing at your best with a good attitude, it can make a huge change in how your rolls on the mat go.

To target one mushroom in particular for mood boosting,Β lion's maneΒ is a great place to start. This mushroom superfood has been linked to supporting stress and anxiety relief around the body to increase mood in the body and mind naturally.

6: Immune Support

Getting immunity support is a surefire way to stay on the mat without letting allergies or the flu get in the way of competing your tail off. Immunity boosts performance in all different areas of your daily function, improving sleep, recovery, and more.

To get the highest quality immune support in medicinal mushrooms, a pairing of chaga and reishi might be a good place to get going. Then you can combine the power of two different immune function boosters to relieve the body's adrenal fatigue and boost immunity at the same time. This can create a calmer state on the mat and force you to stay at your best for longer.

Stress Relief and Anxiety - Health Benefits of Keeping Your Body Prepared - Troomy Nootropics

5: Aerobic Endurance + Circulation

Cardiovascular health directly impacts your endurance on the mat, especially with the acquisition of oxygen.Β Blood flow is also an essential element that improves through oxygen circulation in the body, and while a good warm up is always a good place to start, having a bit of natural support can never hurt.

Virtually any of the top medicinal mushrooms are a solid place to get started with this kind of support. Although, cordyceps may be the best of the bunch you want to give a try sooner rather than later when introducing yourself to the mushroom-powered wellness world.

4:Β Inflammation Support

Inflammation is rooted in virtually every ailment that can damage your recovery/workout routine. Whether it's swelling that won't go down in your ankle or just a sore muscle that stays nagging, inflammation has to be targeted in your recovery.

Lion's mane is an awesome place to get started with anti-inflammatory support, but it may take some time to start seeing results. As most supplements go, you don't necessarilyΒ feelΒ a change instantly, but instead start toΒ seeΒ the difference after weeks or even months of use.

Respiration - Health Benefits - Medicinal Mushrooms - Troomy Nootropics

3: Respiration

Regulating oxygen through the body with better lung health is a great advantage of combining a few medicinal mushrooms together. Respiratory supportΒ couldΒ benefit tissues in the lungs to keep unwanted allergies and particularly bad asthma reactions from sparking up when on the mat.

To improve that oxygen flow and regulation, reishi or chaga might be a good place to start. Turkey tail is also a good mushroom to keep your oxygen flow steady, and make sure your airways are clear of inflammation blockage or impairments to stamina that can greatly diminish your performance.

2: Fatigue Recovery

Fatigue can set in early without adaptogenic support from mushrooms or other supplements in place. This starts in oxidative stress regulation as the primary factor for feeling fatigued and losing that juice you need to push through to get that last point or finally earn a submission.

At Troomy, we've made two complementary blends inΒ FocusΒ andΒ BoostΒ to create an accessible route to try both lion's mane and cordyceps in two delicious flavors. These are some of the cleanest options on the market in terms of zero-additive support with medicinal mushrooms.

Weight Training - Muscle Growth - Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms - Troomy Nootropics

1: Muscle Gain

Some mushrooms can almost work as a preworkout substitute/complement. Strength and conditioning go hand in hand to create a quality workout routine for the best results on the mat. Adding explosion, building stamina, and preparing your body for better performance starts in weight training, and giving your body the necessary resources it needs is a vital element to your progress. Now, we all start with protein powder or some kind of mixed blend of different vitamins, but there's more you can get out of daily mushroom support that's high in protein as well.

To target muscle gain as your primary focus, cordyceps and lion's mane might be the perfect place to start. Cordyceps has been linked through animal studies to be an increaser in testosterone production, as well as vital elements of your recovery process.

Overall, each mushroom has its place. With that said, it might be tough to get started with the perfect blend, but picking the right one should be simple based on the linked benefits.

The Best Medicinal Mushrooms to Get the Results You're Looking for


Cordyceps sort of sets the foundation for working out in jiu-jitsu with medicinal mushroom support. It's an excellent source of ATP molecule production, which ties straight into creating energy internally in the body. Along with stronger energy production, you could expect cordyceps to offer:

  • Inflammation reduction
  • Anti-aging properties
  • reduced risk of heart disease
  • Improved fatigue recovery

Lion's Mane

Lion's mane is an excellent complement to cordyceps that can generate cognitive strengthening benefits for focus and staying on your a-game when you get fatigued. It's also great for:

  • Anxiety relief
  • Oxidative stress reduction
  • Better sense of focus
  • Increased productivity


As a counterpart, reishi mushrooms are all about recovery and calming the body. Prepping for your next match starts the moment you step off the mat and get ready for your next work out session is as crucial as competing itself. With reishi, you can expect to:

  • Improve sleep habits
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Regulate a sense of calm
  • Reduce stress

Different Ways to Try Medicinal Mushrooms


Coffee'sΒ a highlyΒ popular route to try out some new supplements without being highly invasive to your morning routine or add meal prep time. Its soul-cleansing nature as the first cup of the day makes improving your daily routine with quality support a whole lot easier.Β 

For some though, coffee's already a huge part of our morning ritual that weΒ don'tΒ want to change, andΒ tossing inΒ a mushroom blend with caffeine additives isn't going to make that big of a difference on the mat. That's where some folks have turned to powders and tinctures.

Powders + Tinctures

Powders are a common supplement form that makes giving a bunch of different good nutrients/blends a try, while tinctures offer that fast acting response that folks are usually looking for. Especially if you're on the go or need a quick boost into your next match, these could be the way to go.

The thing with powders is they can get messy, and they always need something to go with them. Whether that's a full meal or just a smoothie, either one can take ample prep time to make your workouts take a bit more time than usual. They also could have a huge caffeine kick that not everyone's going to be looking for. Especially on a caffeine-free diet, you might want to avoid mushroom powders blended with additives.Β 

On the other hand, tinctures might just remind you of taking medicine and turn you off to the whole idea of trying mushroom-powered wellness. This is where gummies can really set themselves apart.


Gummies are the perfect medium for most folks to turn to that want to give mushrooms a try, still staying active with their usual routine. They're fruity, delicious, and fun while remaining healthy and functionally powerful.

Daily Mushroom Gummies - Health Benefits - Troomy Nootropics

Try Troomy Nootropic Mushroom Gummies Today!

Overall, mushroom gummies are becoming a cornerstone of the fitness and wellness community. They're the perfect place to get a delicious, clean, and effective blend of medicinal mushrooms packed into a caffeine-free addition to your daily routine.

If you're just going for one all-around benefit blend,Β DailyΒ is our prime blend to get started with. However, if you're going for more targeted benefits like fatigue recovery and razor-sharp decision making,Β FocusΒ orΒ BoostΒ might be a better place for you to start.

So why wait? Find the perfect blend of medicinal mushrooms to boost your fitness performance on the mat, and elevate your recovery process in jiu-jitsu by finding your "True Me"Β  with Troomy today!

Alex Heining

About the Author

Alex Heining is a major supporter and activist of mushroom-powered wellness, and has been a leader on our Troomy Nootropics team since day one. As a graduate from the University of Oregon and marketer in the Los Angeles area, he constantly aims to increase activity and acquire more knowledge on ever-changing innovations in the fungi industry today.

Over our first year as a company, he’s combined his efforts with our top blending strategists to inform the Troomy community on developments in mushroom-powered wellness, while developing delicious, functionally-powerful gummies for daily use. Whether he’s in the weightroom, studying new extraction methods, or working on some new songs, he’ll always be ready to talk your ear off about different ways you can find your β€œTrue Me” with Troomy.


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