
5 Tips to Avoiding Procrastination with Lion's Mane Mushrooms

5 Tips to Avoiding Procrastination with Lion's Mane Mushrooms
Lion's mane-powered gummies for increasing performance
Your one-stop for better cognitive function

The perfect mushroom for beating procrastination naturally!

Procrastinating can majorly derail your day of being productive in the classroom, at home, or in the workplace. When you start down the track of losing focus or having distractions, it's really easy to let a 15-minute break eat away half your day. 

Good practices for staying productive and keeping good focus are going to come down to your sleep schedule, eating habits, stress relievers, and a handful of other key factors. Fortunately, there are specialized strategies and supplements you can work into your daily routine to keep from getting side tracked and focus-in on performing at your best.

At Troomy, we use functional fungi like lion's mane mushrooms to improve daily performance in productivity, cognitive function, immunity, and more. These natural superfoods could be the key to flipping procrastination right out of your habits, and getting you back to high-level functionality that could make your days more efficient, simple, and enjoyable. Today, we'll highlight the lion's mane mushroom as a key difference maker in this process, steps you can take to increase viability in your own

Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms - Troomy Nootropics in Whittier, CA - Reducing the Impact of Procrastination

Why Does Procrastination Happen?

It isn't just laziness. You might think you just get behind because you're not putting the work in or don't have the energy to give effort. There can be a myriad of factors that implicate why and how procrastination happens. The trick of avoiding it becoming a habit is identifying which applies to you, and seeking out support for it.

  • Perfectionist - Having unrealistic goals is never going to help. Nothing is ever going to be perfect, and coming to terms with that will make getting through any project a whole lot simpler. Of course, still aim to give the best effort you can, just don't hurt yourself over stressing.
  • Over-doer - More isn't always better. Tacking on more and more to make your project or activity really take step above.
  • Over-estimator - Aptly estimating your ability to complete a project on time is crucial to being able to avoid procrastinating. Instead, most folks will give themselves a bump on how quickly they think they can finish up something as complex as a full house plan to just getting ready to go out. Then, they end up feeling behind and can majorly damage their mood, mental health, and other factors of their daily well being.
  • Dreamer - Everyone knows someone that has similarly unrealistic goals as perfectionists, but just go completely off the deep end in relativity to creating a product result you can get behind.

Now while there are others, there's a handful of steps you can implement today to try and get the best out of your routine without completely eliminating procrastination, but at least resisting it.

 Avoiding Procrastination - Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms - Troomy Nootropics in Whittier, CA

5 Steps to Avoid Procrastinating

5: Acknowledge It Whenever You Start

If you've gotten 30 minutes into your work day and haven't left your home screen, it's time to acknowledge the reality of how procrastination impacts your workflow and overall productivity. Taking that step in acknowledging how procrastination's impacted your day ahead is a great place to start, and it can prepare you for future instances where you can feel your workload start to slip away.

4: Take Breaks, But in Moderation

Scheduling breaks is a whole lot different than just wasting time not working on what you should be. Take break in moderation, and make sure you honor the times you set. If it's 15 minutes, that doesn't mean 12 or 20. Respect the standard you set, and avoid taking one huge break without doing anything. Instead, breaking up small breaks between medium-sized study sessions might be the best route to go.

3: Consistency Over Cramming

There's nothing like that hour before an assignment's due, huh? Well, wouldn't it be great if we spent that whole hour out on a hike or with family? Without procrastinating, that's entirely possible by just adding in a few short work periods through the week rather than cramming it all in at the last minute.

Try giving yourself 15 minutes to work on assignment the day you get it, even if it isn't due for two week or so. Then you'll have a much better understanding of what's going to be asked of you, and how you can best contribute your efforts in the long term to the project.

Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms - Troomy Nootropics - Studying and Avoiding Procrastinating

2: Study Location, Distractions


Calling your friend back isn't going to help you study, and having NFL RedZone (7 hours of commercial free football!) on in the background isn't going to help either. You have to keep yourself protected from distractions that are surefire ways to get you sidetracked. 

Find a spot to study up or way to make your workspace more friendly to being productive. The better protected your location is from distractions, the better chance you have of avoiding procrastination caused by outside sources.

1: Stay Accountable

Beyond consistency, accountability is everything. You have to be able to put your best foot forward by keeping yourself accountable in finishing projects on time, and sticking to your word when you set out to get some work done. 

7:15 means 7:15, and missing that time by a minute or two doesn't mean wait 'till 8:15 to get to work. You are going to be your own greatest asset to working at your best.

As you work these steps in, medicinal, "functional" mushrooms like lion's mane might be a great pairing to try as well for better performance and quicker results.

Lion's Mane Health Benefits - Troomy Nootropics - Boosting Cognitive Function - Daily Support

How Can Medicinal Mushrooms Help?

Medicinal mushrooms are a great step to opening all kinds of new doors. As they've been used for healing properties and different functional purposes over the last several thousand years, their effectiveness in the classroom and workplace can't go understated. Only recently have they made their way out of eastern Chinese medicine and other cultures to the west, primarily being worked into strong health and wellness routines.

Are They Safe?

Yep! Even for daily use. If you're constantly procrastinating and want support as regularly as possible, medicinal mushrooms could be an impactful place to get started for daily use of up to 2000mg of mushrooms.

Why's the Lion's Mane Mushroom Best for Reducing Procrastination?

While several functional mushrooms have been linked to supporting cognitive function and keeping you on track with assignments, lion's mane is the way to go if you're just looking for one. Cordyceps can be a great energy mushroom, while reishi is excellent for a more soothing experience. The point is that each has their place, and lion's mane is the sweet spot for beating procrastination.

Cognitive Function

Lion's mane mushrooms have been studied and closely linked into better cognitive function that allows you to support more clear thought processes and reduce brain fog. This can be a monumental shift in how you perform through the day and stay on track with finishing a project or activity ahead of time. Additionally, it can work into improving your brain health as well.

Mental Fatigue Stamina

What often wares down the best of us on a project is when our brains get all mushy after working for an extended period of time. Fortunately, mushrooms like lion's mane are closely linked to keeping your brain working at its best for longer, and your body too, making it outstanding for both mental and physical fatigue regulation.


While you won't see this one play as much of an impact in how you study or finish a product, the best ability is availability. Getting sick or not feeling your best can lead to delayed timelines on finishing things up and also deter you from studying or working altogether. With quality immune support from lion's mane mushrooms, keep your body and mind feeling their best year round, and get through flu season with increased superfood-powered support.

Together, each of these key three benefits are a great place to start with reducing procrastination, but there's still so much more to what makes them outstanding in boosting your function. Luckily, it's easier than ever to get started.

Mushroom Gummies - Health Benefits of Lion's Mane Mushrooms - Troomy Nootropics

Getting Started with Lion's Mane Gummies Today

Overall, you could be getting way more out of your usual day if you cut down procrastination time by even just 25%. Mushroom-powered wellness is a great route to start you on track with that kind of support, and lion's mane is the perfect first mushroom to try.

Give Focus mushroom gummies from Troomy a try today, and see the power of lion's mane firsthand in sweet, delicious, and effective blends. All it takes is one bottle, and you've got two months worth of support on the shelf at any given time.

So why wait? Give Troomy a try and find your "True Me" today!

Alex Heining

About the Author

Alex Heining is a major supporter and activist of mushroom-powered wellness, and has been a leader on our Troomy Nootropics team since day one. As a graduate from the University of Oregon and marketer in the Los Angeles area, he constantly aims to increase activity and acquire more knowledge on ever-changing innovations in the fungi industry today.

Over our first year as a company, he’s combined his efforts with our top blending strategists to inform the Troomy community on developments in mushroom-powered wellness, while developing delicious, functionally-powerful gummies for daily use. Whether he’s in the weightroom, studying new extraction methods, or working on some new songs, he’ll always be ready to talk your ear off about different ways you can find your “True Me” with Troomy.


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