
Ashwagandha: Your New Favorite Superfood

Ashwagandha: Your New Favorite Superfood

Ashwagandha: Overview, Benefits, and Perfect Pairings

It's actually a well-known superfood that's been all over the wellness industry for years now. With routinely trying medicinal mushrooms in your diet as well, the two together can be an ultra-effective wellness overhaul.

However, it's never been easy before to just pick up supplements like ashwagandha and kickstart them into your diet. It often takes prep time, adjustments to your morning routine, and expensive restocking.

Today, we offer ashwagandha and medicinal mushrooms in one streamlined experience that uses delicious, fruity gummies to make a lasting impact on how you feel every day.

How Does Ashwagandha Compare to Other Natural Superfoods

Natural Cortisol Reducer

As a natural cortisol reducer, ashwagandha has been recognized in studies as an outstanding supplement for stress relief in the body. This can naturally improve your state to give you a better sense of natural calm, just like the reishi mushroom does as a daily supplement.

Reishi mushrooms are similarly high in vitamins and minerals, while also providing a great space for you to increase your daily functional output through supplements.

Fatigue Relief

Relieving daily fatigue is made easy with regular ashwagandha use, and can massively impact that rejuvenating process of resting up after a tough workout, getting you back on track faster to push your muscles to their limits while staying healthy and avoiding depleting that internal energy flow.

Improved Athletic PerformanceΒ 

We could all use some help with getting results in the gym and running onΒ trails. Ashwagandha extract is a tried and true method to elevate your athletic performance when combined with powerful medicinal mushrooms like reishi, as oxygen is better regulated through the body and cardiovascular support is provided through blood flow, blood sugar regulation, and more.

Remember - natural supplements like reishi mushrooms and ashwagandha are not intended to treat or protect the body entirely from any workout-related injuries, or overstimulating your muscles. Instead, they act as an opportunity for natural support to gently lift up your results as you go, working in quality vitamins and functional benefits the more you use them.

Better Energy Over Time

Increasing energy is also a commonly linked benefit for regular ashwagandha use over a few weeks or more. Heightened mental clarity from using ashwagandha and reishi can also lead to that energy increase.

Are Ashwagandha Extract and Medicinal Mushrooms Safe?

Completely! The same way you can trust ashwagandha extract, you can trust medicinal mushrooms as well. Reishi, chaga, cordyceps, lion's mane, etc. They all work together to supplement your daily wellness by targeting different areas of support. Lion's mane, for example, is a massive cognition supporter that's been linked to better brain health, immunity, and cardiovascular performance. Together, elements like these that increase support through your day are a great place to begin with natural wellness.Β 

As for ashwagandha, the same can be expected in proper dosages. As long as you stick within those bounds, there are only rare instances where folks have either allergic reactions or don't digest well. The vast majority of users in both spaces have experienced little-to-no side effects even through daily use.Β 

What are the Best Mushrooms for Me?

Depends on what you're looking for! As you start using different natural supplements in general, you only want to start with the superfoods that work the best for you in terms of vitamins, dietary choices, and functional benefits you're looking for. Which of those attributes you value most is entirely up to you, but should be something you're mindful of as you enter the space. These functional benefit areas you might want to target include:

  • Stress relief
  • Increased cognitive function
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Increased muscle growth
  • Better sleep habits

Now, taking ashwagandha extract or reishi mushrooms aren't going to target all of those benefits at once, but they're a good place to start on the path to better daily self care. As you get acclimated to using one (or both), you can start to expand to other supplements you might be interested in.

Luckily, there's a single gummy you can try today to get a good bit of both.


How to Get Started with Medicinal Mushrooms and Ashwagandha Extract Today

Overall, it's easier than ever to get started on functional benefits from your new favorite superfoods. Trying Troomy+ utilizesΒ both reishi and ashwagandha extract to power better stress relief, immunity, higher energy output, boosted fatigue relief, and more.

Enjoy Recovery utilizing reishi mushrooms and ashwagandha extract combined into one delicious gummy from Troomy Nootropics. Our blends are caffeine-free, high in vitamins, and use incredible ingredients straight from the Earth. And while our Recovery blend is a great place to start, there's six others you might like, too. So give 'em a try! Start your journey to find your "True Me" with Troomy today.

Alex Heining

About the Author

Alex Heining is a major supporter and activist of mushroom-powered wellness, and has been a leader on our Troomy Nootropics team since day one. As a graduate from the University of Oregon and marketer in the Los Angeles area, he constantly aims to increase activity and acquire more knowledge on ever-changing innovations in the fungi industry today.

Over our first year as a company, he’s combined his efforts with our top blending strategists to inform the Troomy community on developments in mushroom-powered wellness, while developing delicious, functionally-powerful gummies for daily use. Whether he’s in the weightroom, studying new extraction methods, or working on some new songs, he’ll always be ready to talk your ear off about different ways you can find your β€œTrue Me” with Troomy.


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