
Ashwagandha: Benefits, Uses, and More!

Ashwagandha: Benefits, Uses, and More!

You might have heard of ashwagandha before if you're familiar with the world of wellness, as it's becoming a widely popular superfood for improving diets, offering a diverse range of support from your usual vitamins/minerals, and offering a range of functional benefits. 

Fortunately, those benefits can be characterized into a select group of target areas, which are all much easier to use than you might think.

GREAT Reasons to Start Using Ashwagandha Extract in Your Daily Diet

Stress Relief: Natural stress relief is hard to find on its own. You might try capsules, powders, medications prescribed by a physician, or any number of alternatives to get your stress levels under control. Building quality resistance to these naturally occuring feelings of stress takes direct attention from your body, mind, and every day habits.

For example, if you put your body through major stress in the weight room and feel GREAT from it, that’s an incredible habit to get on track with. However, you are also going to need to wind down and let your muscles heal properly after lifting through stretching, meditation, yoga, and other healthy practices.

Fatigue Regulation: Fatigue can hit your body hard when you’re getting through a long week of work, too many nights up studying, or even tough mornings after a night out.

Where ashwagandha can really make a difference is how your fatigue dissipates in the days after, acting sort of as a natural reliever of tightness, aches, and that uncomfortable sensation of feeling off all day physically. While it isn’t a miracle supplement, it certainly makes the body’s reaction much more proactive to these feelings long term which can be majorly helpful to athletes, professionals, and everyone in-between.

Menopause: Hot flashes, mood swings, poor sleep and other sensations can all be disrupting symptoms from menopause that make your day much harder to get through. Fortunately, adaptogenic properties in ashwagandha offer highly impactful properties for balancing out hormonal equilibrium. This can make regulating these symptoms a much simpler task ahead. 

Inflammation Relief: Relieving inflammation can make all kinds of forms of pain much less impactful on your daily function. For example, a swollen knee after a hard fall on the court can get majorly inflamed, forcing aches and pains to be much more common in the days to follow. With natural supplements like ashwagandha worked into your everyday diet, you can proactively resist over-inflammation, modulating a more effective bodily response.

Are There Any Side Effects From Using Ashwagandha?

While ashwagandha is a natural supplement with minimal side effects tied even to consistent use, you can avoid most by regulating the amount you take in a day. It’s advised from folks in the industry and medical professionals to not extend daily use beyond a few months. 

How Does Ashwagandha Extract Interact with Other Supplements?

For the most part, ashwagandha has only been put into studies with a handful of other drugs. These include anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates. With only minimal evidence, there are a handful of cases that ashwagandha might reduce the ability of a drug to metabolize effectively.

DISCLAIMER: Ashwagandha should NOT be used in place of other drugs. Using ashwagandha as justification to avoid seeing a doctor is not advised by Troomy Nootropics. We are not licensed healthcare professionals. For any symptoms that require urgent medical attention, seek out medical assistance immediately.

Who Could Use Ashwaganda?

Athletes: Fantastic for recovery after a workout or team practice, is an excellent daily supplement to proactively fight off fatigue and keep your body function regulated. 

Professionals: Working a long day and coming home to little or no support for your body is not going to fly for long when you spend 8 hours daily on physically/mentally demanding work. Ashwagandha is both great for keeping your muscles relieved, while also boosting cognitive function. These two elements make for a great relationship between getting your work done and feeling great doing it.

Students: Getting through finals season or your next home game can be a lot to demand out of your daily function. On top of studying, getting to/from school, keeping up with a job, you need support one way or another. Ashwagandha is a great introduction into that.

Wellness Warriors: If you’re already into wellness, ashwagandha is a logical next step to your development on the path to your “best self,” or your “True Me.” Its wide range of adaptogenic applications makes for a perfect addition to your green juice cleanse, next diet challenge, or just a nice addition to your already great routine.

The trick is to find a method of using these supplements that works best for you, and get used to using it fast.  

What’s the Best Way to Take Ashwagandha?

Depends really on how you like taking supplements usually. Some of us are big capsule people. One step, no prep time, and you’re good to go. Others might be bigger fans of coffees or powders, as you can quickly work these into any drink that you take throughout the day. 

For us here at Troomy, we’ve created Recovery gummies. They optimize a blended relationship between reishi mushrooms and ashwagandha extract to create an impactful way to get back on track with your daily routine. 


Try Ashwagandha Today!

If you want to try ashwagandha today, chances are, it doesn’t get any easier than delicious, organically powered gummies from Troomy. Recovery is our newest addition to the lineup, and a fantastic way to get on track with better daily wellness. Using the power of reishi mushrooms and ashwagandha extract, you can quickly see support in your cognitive function, stress relief, and more. With zero caffeine or crazy additives, Recovery gummies are about as simple as it gets. 

Give ‘em a try with Troomy, and find your “True Me” today!

Alex Heining

About the Author

Alex Heining is a major supporter and activist of mushroom-powered wellness, and has been a leader on our Troomy Nootropics team since day one. As a graduate from the University of Oregon and marketer in the Los Angeles area, he constantly aims to increase activity and acquire more knowledge on ever-changing innovations in the fungi industry today.

Over our first year as a company, he’s combined his efforts with our top blending strategists to inform the Troomy community on developments in mushroom-powered wellness, while developing delicious, functionally-powerful gummies for daily use. Whether he’s in the weightroom, studying new extraction methods, or working on some new songs, he’ll always be ready to talk your ear off about different ways you can find your “True Me” with Troomy.


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